Capitol View | Russwurm

Well, here we go ...

This is my personal page with projects, links, tools, blog and other stuff I like, need or did. If you like it – great – if not – that’s fine as well.


Some pages available, there is no order, no concept, no plan and no goal. Just pages.



Hier mache ich einfach mal vernünftige Vanillekipferl und kombiniere das mit Fotografie. Diese Seite kommt jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten wieder als kleine Erinnerung, dass ich Vanillekipferl mag ;)

Blockchain Technology and Governance of Franchise Networks

Blockchain Technology and Governance of Franchise Networks

This study explores the implications of the introduction of blockchain technology for the governance of franchise networks. In light of the limited prior research on this topic, the study employs a twofold approach. It begins by identifying the central themes present in current research at the intersection of franchising and blockchain technology.

Write Hindi in Devanagari Online

Write Hindi in Devanagari Online

An online Devanagari writer to create Devanagari with IAST and ITRANS input. Additionally it is pretty useful to learn writing on a Devanagari keyboard.

Text-to-speech for dialogs (TTS)

Text-to-speech for dialogs (TTS)

A simple online service to use your browser for converting a text dialog into a speech. This service is especially useful for language learners to get your written dialogs to live.

SoSciSurvey und PHP

SoSciSurvey und PHP

Einige interessante Möglichkeiten von PHP in SoSciSurvey für Umfragen im Bereich der Sozialwissenschaften.

Extract Text from Image (Simple Online OCR)

Extract Text from Image (Simple Online OCR)

Just paste an image and get all text elements on the image. This is especially useful to get some text on images into LLM AI, like ChatGPT.

Bachelor Psychologie - Prokrastination

Bachelor Psychologie - Prokrastination

Ein paar zusätzliche Infos zur Bachelorarbeit über "Prokrastination, Perfektionismus und Motivation".

Morse Code

Morse Code

Einfach einen Text eingeben und der Text wird automatisch in Morse-Code übersetzt - oder du gibst einfach Morsecode ein und erhältst eine Übersetzung in Klartext.

Online Kalorien Rechner

Online Kalorien Rechner

Mit dem Online Rechner lassen sich ganz schnell und einfach der Grundumsatz und der Leistungsumsatz nach mehreren Methoden berechnen. Damit hat man einen schnellen ersten Eindruck wie es mit dem eigenen Kalorienbedarf aussieht.

How to make Tiny Little Planet Photos?

How to make Tiny Little Planet Photos?

Little planet photos are looking very cool and deliver an effect where a photo (typically a panorama) is modified in a way that it looks like a planet. Let's run through the major steps to create such photos yourself.

Online Timer and Stopwatch - Pomodoro super easy

Online Timer and Stopwatch - Pomodoro super easy

Simple and easy to use online timer and stop watch without any installation, especially for learning with the Pomodoro method.

Braille Übersetzer Deutsch

Braille Übersetzer Deutsch

Eine Seite zum einfachen Übersetzen von und in Braille. Ganz gut zum Kontrollieren aber auch um selbst Braille zu lernen.

Aufnahmetest Psychologie Österreich

LaTeX Math Formular Editor

LaTeX Math Formular Editor

A pretty simple and straight forward online LaTeX formular editor, which is useful for creating formulars for your LaTeX documents on the fly.

- Escape LaTeX code

  • LaTeX symbols overview

  • Other Resources

    Beside this page there is some other interesting stuff out there.

    One is my German-Austrian dictionary. Improve your austrian language abilities at Ostarrichi or Österreichisch. Not to forget the page about Bairisch.

    Another cool project for testing some stuff is about getting really, REALLY resilient against pretty much anything, at least I started with the domain - Ur-Immun against Anything

    And there should be some kind of project done in Colombia as well, so we are doing some bookkeeping promotion over there at Cuenta Conmigo

    Mainly I am working for/with/at ISNED GmbH and in Austria for/with/at MOGMA GmbH.

    Ranking pages in search engines, mainly Google, can be done with my Page about SEO with a SEO Tutorial. You can test your webpage immediately with the Testtool for Webpages.

    And there is a very interesting company called Technikwerker in Dorfen going to deliver cool stuff.

    I am also doing some stuff for the Atlas Body Center and embedded labs. Have a look at them.

    (Old and Removed) And an experiment about - well - let's say "food" and "cooking". You will find it at KingKorn.BiO.

    There is some stuff about web pages, web development and SEO over here as well. One is the SEO special characters page.

    Great horror movie from Diego where I had the luck being the executive producer "Desomorfina".

    Looong time ago some friends and I founded ANDTEK, so you can have a look what cool stuff they are doing today. And this is also a good place to remember Stefan Großberger, alias "Grasl".

    And if you finally want to move on in life and you have no idea how - there is my "Act.Act?Act!" page where you get all the stuff you need to know.

    On these pages you find the preparation for the "Psychologie Aufnahmeprüfung" and related to it the "Psychologie Testsimulator".

    And finally there are some tests (planned) for your personality at Personality Tests.

    And really finally a completely useless site for RolandDerSuperheld. And the cemetery of old pages as well as some SEO Code Testing.

    And really really finally a strange project for Lohinuma. Maybe you figure out yourself what it is about ;)