Enter your date/time/ticks you want to convert, e.g. "1468396800", "15.7.2016", "20-10-2016 11:36", "now", "tomorrow", "timezones"...

Ticks to DateTime Conversion

Converting different time formats is required from time to time and this is the right page for it.

Unix Ticks

Number of seconds since 1st of January 1970 at 0:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)


: 10
Minutes: 28
Seconds: 11
Swatch Time: @477
Day: 28, Sunday
Day of the Year: 210
Week: 30
Month: 07, July, 31Days
Year: 2024
Timezone: UTC

28.07.2024, 10:28:11 UTC

Sun, 28 Jul 24 10:28:11 +0000 Format according to RFC822
Sunday, 28-Jul-24 10:28:11 UTC Format according to RFC850
Sun, 28 Jul 2024 10:28:11 +0000 Format according to RFC2822
2024-07-28T10:28:11+00:00 Format according to RFC3339
2024-07-28T10:28:11+00:00 Format according to W3C
2024-07-28T10:28:11+0000 Format according to ISO 8601

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